Spring 2004 grants from The Elsevier Foundation

Published: Thursday 3rd June 2004

New York, 3 June 2004 – The Elsevier Foundation released a summary of its grants through Spring 2004, with contributions totaling $33,733. During this round of giving, the Foundation has focused in a general manner on education and health initiatives.

Education starts with reading, according to Biblionef, a South African-based organization aimed a developing a curiosity and a love of reading among children. Biblionef will use their grant of nearly $4,000 to distribute storybooks to children in Cape Town. With 11 official languages and a high adult illiteracy rate throughout the country, Biblionef hopes that reaching out to children at an early age with books will stimulate their desire to read for pleasure, and help them prepare for the future.

Read the full article on the Elsevier website